Monday, November 2, 2015

Must Pack Travel Worthy Products

Welcome to Travel+Experiment!

Aside from packing our basic needs when you are on the go, these are the important and worthy travel must pack items I have on my list; things I’ve learned after many years of traveling.

1. Backpack
A bag should be lightweight but durable that when it is packed it is easy to move around and not bulky. The bag should have a lot of smart compartments that are accessible for easy retrieval and secure during travel. 

2. Two Pairs of Comfortable Walking Shoes 
It is good to have at least one pair of walking shoes that are waterproof, good for hiking and walking but still look classy for comfort. You can also bring one pair of sneakers or flats as alternate shoes. 

3. The Essentials of Every Toiletry Bag
Always keep travel-sized toiletries in a toiletry bag fully stocked. This list should encompass any type of liquid you would need under the sun, for any type of emergency. Make sure to pack in a standard travel liquid size as these things may need to go through security. All liquids (Mascara, lip gloss, gels and aerosol items are also classified as liquids) brought onto planes must be in 3.4-ounce bottles or smaller and inside a single, clear, quart-size zip-top bag. Please make sure to verify all travel restrictions in regards to personal items prior to your travel.
  • Cleanser
  • Moisturizer
  • Sunscreen
  • Toothpaste
  • Mouthwash
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Shower Gel
  • Body Lotion
  • Antacid Tablets
  • Anti-Mosquitoes/Bug Repellent
  • Anti-diarrhea Tablets
  • Wet Wipes
  • Shave/Shaving Cream
  • Band-Aid
  • Deodorant
  • Pocket Tissue
  • Hair Brush
  • Hand Sanitizer

4. Rain Gear
Invest in a tiny travel umbrella, water-repellent jackets and folding hats make all-weather travel bearable, meaning you’re prepared for most eventualities without even having to think about it. You can always put it in your backpack just don’t forget to check in with your luggage.

5. Flashlight/ Headlamp
It is also important to consider bringing a small pocket flashlight or headlamp with you when you travel. These flashlights and headlamps are great for the trail, rainforest—or when the electricity has gone out and anywhere that's dark and you’ll get more use out of it than you’d imagine. And no, your flashlight app on your smartphone isn’t as good.

6. Door Stopper
Not every hotel or guesthouse door has a bolt or security chain, meaning that anyone with a key can enter your room while you’re sleeping. If that’s a concern, remember to pack a rubber doorstop in your luggage, and slide it under the door when you’re in your room. It’s one of the simplest security methods out there, providing peace of mind for just a few dollars.

7. Notepad and Pen
Sometimes old-school technology is the best, and a notepad and pen fall right into this category. When you need someone to draw you a map, note down the name of a restaurant or give you their phone number, or you just need to write the hotel’s address to give to your taxi driver, a piece of paper is far more useful than an iPad or smartphone.

8.  Travel Plug Adapter and Travel Power Strip
If you’re traveling overseas, don’t forget to check what kind of power sockets are used in your destination and throw a plug adapter in your bag if necessary. If you plan to travel to several places with differing socket types, be sure to buy a ‘universal’ adapter. A universal adapter also comes in handy if you have multiple foreign countries on your itinerary.

There’s nothing more frustrating than checking in to a hotel to find there’s only one outlet to power all your devices, so always pack a travel power strip as optional. It can mean the difference between hours of switching chargers, charging up multiple devices at once and a decent night’s sleep.

9. Extra Batteries, Chargers – for Camera, phone or flashlight.
If you’re traveling on vacation this summer, you’ll most likely need to bring some batteries along, whether they’re for your camera, personal electronics or other battery-operated equipment. Bringing spare batteries for camera/ flashlight or chargers for phones are a must. The moment your batteries die down, you're going to miss that perfect shot. Please check travel restrictions in regards to battery prohibited items in travel agency. 

10. Ziploc Bags
Ziploc bags are on many travelers’ lists. They’re cheap, easy to pack, and unbelievably useful. It keep your things organize, neat, and keep your valuables dry.

11. Camera

Be sure to carry your essential gear like your camera with you at all times. The important consideration is the size, quality and weight. You’ll be taking it with you wherever you go, and using it to record the incredible things you see and to remember the people you meet. Since you’ll most likely be shooting lots of photos, choosing the best travel camera to suit your personal needs is essential.

12. Refillable Water Bottle
Avoid the overpriced newsstand bottled water by packing an empty bottle in your suitcase and filling it up after you've gone through security. To save space, opt for a squishy, lightweight and small refillable water bottle. Traveling in other countries where quality water is questionable, a bottle with active carbon filtration are necessity and a must. 

13. Light Scarf
Scarves can be your best friends on a trip.  A wide scarf of a casual lightweight material is versatile and stylish—great for combating the chill of an airplane, avoiding direct sunlight on your shoulders, keeping my neck warm in cool climates, a beach cover up, serve to dress up a casual outfit or even covering up a bad hair day in humid climates and also easy to pack and generally can go with just about any outfit. It is good to bring at least three scarves for variety.

14. Sunglasses
Be sure you’ve got the summer’s important travel accessory which is the sunglasses. Sunglasses are an essential tool in safeguarding the health of your eyes and Taking care of your eyes is especially important when traveling.

15. Luggage Scale
For a frequent traveler, a digital luggage is essential travel accessory scale and it is a very important item to own. One of the best ways to avoid hefty airline surcharges is to weigh your luggage before you leave for the airport. Also, you will also have to make sure you are under the free luggage weight limit on your return trip. It can be very expensive to exceed the airlines free luggage weight limit. These charges vary between airlines, routes, and flight classes.

16. Snacks
Before leaving for your trip, buy some healthy snacks such as dried fruit, whole-grain crackers, power bars, protein bars and whole meal biscuits are all great options. Packing along food throughout your travels can save you time and money. There may be a flight delay or cancellation or if you have long travel days, taking more stops just makes the travel day longer and don’t have the option to eat but it’s better to prepared. An emergency snack to get through at least the first leg of a flight can ward off disappointment when the airline doesn't even provide peanuts.

17. TravelRest Pillow
Pillow provides excellent neck and shoulder support while traveling. Travel pillow is very important and useful while travelling. It helps to bring comfort while sitting on a long way of trip and help you get to sleep.  It features a unique design that will fully support your head, even in a cramped coach seat. Plus, the pillow is inflatable, meaning it won't take up precious space when it's not in use.

18. Medicines
Medical supplies are essential! You don’t have to pack your whole luggage full of these types of supplies but it is definitely important to bring some essential items. Bring small amount of alcohol if possible, bandages, and moleskins for blister, anti-diarrhea tablets, anti-inflammatory tablets, pain and fever medicines, burn gel, anti-itch ointment, antacid to treat upset stomach, anti-nausea medicine to treat motion sickness, Antihistamine (one brand name: Benadryl) to treat allergies and swelling and any prescription drugs you may be taking.

19. Fashion Jewelry
It is important to choose a few key pieces of jewelry when traveling. It doesn't have to be pricey and you only need to bring two (one in warm tones, one in cool) to go with all of your outfits. Just make sure you don’t want to make yourself a target for thieves.

20.  Make-up
Whether by traveling in a plane, train, bus, or car can take its toll on your appearance. A small lip-gloss and mascara can be easily stowed away, and can be a great asset when it comes to looking composed and professional, even if you’re feeling exhausted. 

Happy Travels!

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